N Scale

Free-mo N-scale in Minnesota has become one of the largest N-scale Free-mo groups in the US. For the last few years, we’ve focused heavily on stretching the mainline to be more prominent at the shows, sometimes at the expense of basic scenery, or standardized endplates, or even *gasp* bullet-proof trackwork. Now, with some history in our past and a few new members, we’re starting to go back and clean up some of the shortcuts that we took during our earliest growth phase, especially now that some of the standards have been firmed up with experience.

One of Free-mo’s goals has *always* been to meet some friends who just want to get together and play with trains, and not take it too seriously.

We have almost 25 modules in the Minnesota group. If you are interested in joining, feel free to contact us via the website, or join our joint N and HO Groups.io group: MNFree-mo There is also a national Free-moN page